Cheap VPS 4GB RAM 2core with 50GB NVMe SSD at lowest price

Plan Name:

LV 4

Plan Description :

2 vCPU | 4 GB RAM | 50GB NVMe SSD Disk | 4TB Bandwidth | Free Control Panel | Full Root Access

Choose yearly to Get 10% off.

299 /m

Billing Cycle

Select OS | Control Panel

Control Panels
Cent OS
Cent OS

Free ( Rs.0 )

Ubuntu OS

Free ( Rs.0 )

AlmaLinux OS

Free ( Rs.0 )

Rocky linix
Rocky Linux

Free ( Rs.0 )

Debian OS

Free ( Rs.0 )

Other linux
Other Linux

Free ( Rs.0 )

Cyber panel with OpenLitepseed
Cyber Panel

Free ( Rs.0 )

Directadmin 2 Account 20 domains
DirectAdmin Rs.500/m

2 AC (20 Domains )

Directadmin Unlimited panel and account

Unlimited Rs.3399/m

cPanel 5 license with VPS
cPanel 5


cPanel 30 license with VPS
cPanel 30


cPanel 100 license with VPS
cPanel 100


More panel
Other Panels

Request via Ticket

Server Management

Setup Fee : ( One Time )

0 (One Time)

499 (One Time)

Total : + GST ()


How VPS comes low from Web Eye Soft ?

We have a datacenter, So we do not need to pay extra margin between the datacenter and the hosting provider, Also we keep very little margin, our focus on high sales with low profit

What is container VPS and what is KVM VPS

VPS created on OS level on container VPS In container VPS can be shared resources. On other hand, KVM is created on the Kernel level, which means resources will be dedicated that's why KVM is a little more costly than container (OpenVZ)

How much bandwidth do we require for VPS ?

It Depends on your requirement, Let example you have a website with and your 1-page size is 2MB and you have visitors 100 per month then your bandwidth will require 100 x 2 = 200MB

Can I upgrade my VPS anytime?

Yes. You can upgrade your VPS anytime, You need to just pay what is your extra amount for nee VPS cost. Let, For example, You have a VPS with Rs.300 /m and then you want to upgrade to Rs.400/m VPS. then you need to pay just Rs.100 only

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